Quality and environment courses

Studio tau

A-02 | The standard ISO 9001 and the quality internal audit  (duration: 2 days)

The course is aimed at staff who have to carry out internal quality management system audits where the method used is the review 2015 of the ISO 9001 (link ipertestuale), that is illustrated in the initial phase.

The general objective is to transfer to the participants the methodology to effectively conduct auditing, according to the  ISO 19011 standard; the overcoming of the qualifying exam involves the entry in the Studio tau Internal Auditor Register.

A-07 | Environmental management system (duration: 1 day)

ambienteAn increased awareness of environmental aspects represents a characteristic element of the last years.
This course examines the principal general points for the development of an environmental management system: legislative aspects, environment pollution, methodologies to identify the environmental aspects, the version 2016 of the ISO 14001 (link ipertestuale) standard and EMAS Regulation.
Then, the course is a knowledge base, as an essential tool to face the environmental analysis from which to begin the activity within its own firm.


For further information on the courses to catalog, for customized courses and no-cataloged topics contact the Contact desk.